Foundation Total Return

Our Foundation Total Return model portfolio was developed to offer you a potential solution to the volatility and inconsistency that can plague a traditional 60/40 stock & bond portfolio.
Potential Benefit: Moderate Returns with Less Volatility
While we utilize low-cost investments for the majority of our traditional stock & bond market exposure, what makes our Foundation Total Return model different is our use of alternative investment strategies. Our goal is to provide consistent market-based returns with lower volatility than traditional 60/40 stock & bond portfolios.
Our Foundation Total Return model typically utilizes the following:
- Low-cost investments for general stock & bond market exposure
- Long/Short Equity strategies to attempt to dampen the large swings that can occur in the stock market
- Commodity strategies that can invest in almost any market around the globe and seek to profit from both up and downtrends in these areas
- Tactical positioning that seeks to take advantage of undervalued areas of the stock or bond markets
- Call and Put option strategies that seek to hedge market risks or generate portfolio income
Foundation Total Return is an investment strategy and not a registered investment product. No strategy can guarantee a specific outcome, as all investing involves risk.
Learn how our unique Risk-Managed investment process can be a potential benefit to your overall financial well-being.
Click here for a Free Initial Consultation.

Lori Weckman
Marketing & Operations Support